Competitive Analysis
STACK Analysis
CAMPA Analysis
HEWEVA Analysis

What is Competitive Analysis? Why should you care for your business.
Competitive Analysis helps you understand where your business and your competitors are and what makes them better online or whats you can improve upon. The goal is to discover what is working for other people in your industry and how people are doing cross-industry, what you need to include in your strategies to make it work for you, too, to gain a competitive advantage.
We at UberBrains have categorized into 3 different categories. STACK, CAMPA & HEWEVA – STACK (Site, Tag, Content, Keyword analysis), Campaign Analysis (CAMPA) helps us understand your site structure, traffic and advertising spends. While Heuristic Web Evaluations (HEWEVA) gives us an edge to evaluate your site along with your competitions on 9 criteria’s.
In Heuristic Web Evaluations 2 SME’s review your & your competitor’s site gives them to score on the set criteria’s.
- Minimum 3 criteria are required to evaluate against’s your competition in your industry.
- Select your competitions, a minimum of 1 and max 5 competitor’s are required to do the Heuristic Web Evaluation to do the Competitive Analysis
- Findings & Recommendations deck is shared as the final output.
- 3 Criterias for 1 site usually takes 2 days and 2 days to put together a findings and recommendations deck.
- The more elaborated would require more time and effort.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Competitive Analysis?
Competitive Analysis is a combination of various methodologies and practices which help in determining how the business is doing against their competition in the industry and learning they can implement from the cross-industry
Isn't Copying exactly like Competition solves the problem?
Unfortunately, many companies do this and skip the research altogether to save the cost and imitate their competition by copying the website and apps. And end up making the same mistakes what their competition. Competitive Analysis helps to know the industry features and cross-industry to build the best of the customer experience.
Who can benefit from Competitive Analysis?
- Businesses can get benefit from competitive analysis and build the best website and apps for their customers.
- Agencies pitching to the new client can get this competitive analysis done for their new client and its industry competition.
- Brands which needs to be updated with the latest trends and keep tab on their competitions
Does Competitive Analysis can be done small startups?
Module 1
STACK Analysis
- Site Analysis
- Tag Audit
- Content Analysis
- Keyword Analysis
- and Google Analytics
Module 2
CAMPA Analysis
- Advertising Spend
- Search Campaign Analysis
- Video Campaign Analysis
- Social Media Campaign Analysis
- Other Campaign Analysis
Module 3
HEWEVA Analysis
- Branding
- Navigation
- Globalisation
- Commerce
- and other key criteria’s
Digital Marketing from Experienced & Certified Professionals

Retail Industry
Case Study 01: How a leading Canadian Shoe retailer, personalized experience for its users?
Case Study 02: How to start selling on Amazon?
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Travel & Tourism Industry
Case Study 03: How a Travel Agency Digitally Transformed their business?
Case Study 04: How to Run PPC ad-campaign for Travel & Tour Company?
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IT Industry
Case Study 05: How a Growing Information Technology Company optimized their IT infrastructure & got ready for growth?
Case Study 06: How get Discount on Tech Infrastructure for any business?
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